Ajay Devgns next directorial venture, Runway 34 is releasing April 29. He stars in the film alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Rakul Preet Singh. The film has been shot in India and Russia, with a thrilling star cast. Part of which features the effervescent actor, model and dancer Amy Aela who is from Australia.
Amy was seen in Russia shooting with Mr. Ajay Devgan in 2021, and the social media stars fans are excited to see a glimpse of her on the big screen for the very first time. The film has also introduced other influencers such as Carry Minati, who is playing himself.
“It was an honour to work with Mr. Amitabh Bachanan as my very first scene ever acting. I was nervous as hell being opposite a legend and there I am, little old me who has never done this before! I also loved shooting in Russia. I made some really dear friends, and thoroughly enjoyed working with Ajay Sir. His professionalism and attention to detail are unmatched. The film looks amazing and I cannot wait to see it on the big screen!” Amy shares.
Amy has also worked alongside Ranbir Kapoor in an upcoming item song, as a feature character in Sony Liv’s new Cancer Bitch and will be featured alongside Shahid Kapoor in Bloody Daddy which is set to be releasing later in 2022.
Runway 34 promises to be a “edge of the seat thriller” which is based on true events. This big budget blockbuster is set to impress audiences.