The film Jersey, which features Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur in the lead roles, has recently hit the theaters. And fans very much loved their performances in the movie. Likewise, ...
April 22 is observed as World Earth Day. The day brings with it a reminder to cherish nature, care for our planet and take responsibility for a greener and better ...
Bollywood actresses are noted not just for their phenomenal skills in films, but also for their distinctive fashion statements and, on occasion, their gorgeous and on-point makeup. While most Bollywood ...
While most Bollywood actresses are considered having westernized thoughts, ways, and lifestyles, there are some new-age celebrities who are still very much in touch with their Indian roots and traditions ...
Bollywood Actors appear to age much more slowly than the rest of us, whether it's because of their rigorous self-care routines and workouts or a variety of other factors. They ...
India marks its 73rd Republic Day this year. Every Indian celebrates this special day with full fervor and with pride in Patriotism. It's a day where each and every Indian ...
The 3rd and this sudden wave of coronavirus and the omicron variant have affected us yet again. First two-phases have taught us a lot and the importance of each and ...
Actress Jyoti Saxena is currently enjoying a gala time and is planning to welcome 2022 in Dubai. Post new year celebration we always aim to have a resolution or plans ...
Today is International Men's day, The day honors the positive contributions that men make to the world, their households, and their societies. Actress Jyoti Saxena who has raised fame with ...
Jyoti Saxena was recently seen in the hit song "Khoya Hun Main" and paved her way in the south industry from which the actress received an amount of love and ...